Merchant Culture

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投稿日:2011/12/03 更新日:

Merchant Culture

In modern ages, Osaka was called Tenka no Daidokoro or the kitchen of the nation. An active economic development nurtured a rational spirit among the people’s minds. The people became more interested in learning and thought. Various educational facilities were set up and developed by their own efforts. At first there was more emphasis on practical science for their own business, but this soon led to further studies such as Confucian thought, philosophy, religious studies, natural history and astronomy. Acquisition of scientific knowledge accumulated in modern ages enabled them to open the door to the next generation.

※information on hours and regular holidays may differ depending on time of year and season. Please check with respective establishments for correct up-to-date information.


淀屋屋敷跡 The site of Yodoya’s residence 淀屋屋敷跡 The site of Yodoya’s residence

Yodoya was Osaka’s business tycoon in the Edo era. Yodoya bridge was built at his private expense.

懐徳堂 Kaitokudo monument 懐徳堂 Kaitokudo monument

Kaitokudo was a school fouded by Osaka’s heavyweights. Later, it was recognized as an official school in Osaka.

適塾 Tekijuku 適塾 Tekijuku

Tekijuku was a private school established by Ogata Koan Students mainly studied Dutch studies and medical science.

少彦名神社(神農さん) Sukunahikona Shrine 少彦名神社(神農さん) Sukunahikona Shrine

Sukunahikona Shrine enshrines the ancient Chinese god of medicine, Shinno, and the Japanese god of medication, Sukunahikona. This area is known as the pharmaceutical district.

旧小西家住宅 Old Konishi residence 旧小西家住宅 Old Konishi residence

Drug seller Konishi’s old shop, residence area and storehouse were designated as a national important cultural property.

里程元標跡 The site of Riteigenpyo 里程元標跡 The site of Riteigenpyo

This place was used as a starting point when distance was calculated on main roads of western Japan.

釣鐘屋敷跡 The site of Tsurigane Yashiki 釣鐘屋敷跡 The site of Tsurigane Yashiki

The hanging bell was made to express appreciation to the Shogun, Tokugawa Iemitsu, for permanent exemption of Osaka’s property taxes.

八軒家船着場跡 Monument to the Hakkenya pier 八軒家船着場跡 Monument to the Hakkenya pier

Hakkenya was one of the piers for ships connecting Kyoto and Osaka in the Edo era. The fact that there were eight inns for sailors (Hachikenya) is the origin of the name.

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