The Statue of Michio Doi


Other languages :日本語

投稿日:2017/04/18 更新日:

The Statue of Michio Doi

Michio Doi made inroads into the financial world with the introduction of Tomoatsu Godai, and succeeded in attracting the 5th Industrial Exposition to Osaka in 1903. At the time, he visited the Paris Exposition, and constructed the Tsutenkaku Tower in the image of the Eiffel Tower. A talented businessman, he was an executive director of six companies and held seven public posts.

Search route from current location
2, Honmachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Sakaisuji Line/Chuo Line: Sakaisuji-Hommachi Station (K15)(C17).
Tanimachi Line/Chuo Line: Tanimachi 4-Chome Station (T23)(C18).
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