Statue of Tomoatsu Godai


Other languages :日本語


Statue of Tomoatsu Godai

Tomoatsu Godai was born in Kagoshima Prefecture in 1835, and was appointed to Osaka as the Judge of the Foreign Agency. He was instrumental in the development of modern Osaka. His contributions include Osaka’s participation in the Osaka Convention of 1875, the opening of the Dojima Chamber of Commerce, and the establishment of the Osaka Securities Exchange.

Search route from current location
2, Honmachibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Sakaisuji Line/Chuo Line: Sakaisuji-Hommachi Station (K15)(C17).
Tanimachi Line/Chuo Line: Tanimachi 4-Chome Station (T23)(C18).
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