Kitamido(Nishi Hongwanji Tsumura Betsuin Temple)


Other languages :日本語

投稿日:2012/09/14 更新日:

Kitamido(Nishi Hongwanji Tsumura Betsuin Temple)

 This is the temple of the Jodo Shinshu Honganji Buddhist Sect. Rennyo, the 8th generation head of this sect, built the Ishiyama Honganji Temple at the end of the 15th century, which led to the Buddhist sect’s association with Osaka. This Kita Mido was built in 1597, and the Midosuji Boulevard that runs in front of the temple is named after it.

Search route from current location
4-1-3, Hommachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi
Hommachi Subway Station
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