太閤(背割)下水 Taikoh Gesui(Lord Sewerege)

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太閤(背割)下水 Taikoh Gesui(Lord Sewerege)

Hideyoshi who built Osaka Castle also developed an elaborate and unique sewer system spanning some 350km which in the oldest in Japan . Remnants of this 400 year old project can still be seen. (Reservations are need.)

Search route from current location
1-3-3 Nouninbashi, Chuo-ku
Subway Tanimachi 4-chome Sta.
More information
Telephone numbers : 06-6615-6394(Osaka City Sewerage Engineering Association)
Business hours : Submit your application before
Closed : Sat./ Sun.
Admission free : Free
Osaka Castle Course

Modern Osaka has its origin in the establishment of ”Osaka(Ishiyama)Gobou” by Rennyo. Osaka became o …

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