大阪歴史博物館 Osaka Museum of History

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大阪歴史博物館 Osaka Museum of History

Osaka museum of history is located exactly at the site of Naniwa Nagara Toyosakinomiya established by Emperor Koutoku in the Aska Era. Each floor uniquely introduces the history of Osaka from ancient to modern times.

Search route from current location
4-1-32 Otemae, Chuo-ku
Subway Tanimachi 4-chome Sta.
More information
Telephone numbers : 06-6946-5728
Business hours : 9:30-17:00(last admission 16:30) , Friday 9:30-20:00(last admission 19:30)
Closed : Tue.(Wed. if Tue. is a holiday), the end and the beginning of the year(12/28-1/4)
Admission free : 600yen, college & high school students 400yen, junior high school students & under Free(Required additional charge for special exhibitions)
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