Ecchui Well


Other languages :日本語

投稿日:2017/03/08 更新日:

Ecchui Well

This is the site of the well that was in the residence of Lord Ecchu Hosokawa. Immediately before the battle of Sekigahara in 1600, Gratia, the wife of Lord Ecchu Hosokawa refused the enemy’s demands for hostages, and made a retainer stab her through her chest with a long sword. This was because, as a Christian convert, she was not allowed to die by her own hands. The residence was burned to the ground, and the only thing left standing was this well.

Search route from current location
2-12, Morinomiyachuo, Chuo-ku, Osaka
●Subway: Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line/Chuo Line: Morinomiya Station (N20)(C19)
●Other: JR Osaka Loop Line: Morinomiya Station.
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