The Site of Takemotoza (Puppet) Theater


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The Site of Takemotoza (Puppet) Theater

In 1684, Gidayu Takemoto opened the Takemotoza Theater as a Joruri puppet playhouse. He was joined by Monzaemon Chikamatsu, the famous playwright, who helped to make the theater successful. Though he was succeeded by Izumo Takeda, who successfully carried on the playhouse, it lost popularity upon Gidayu Takemoto’s death and eventually closed in 1767, after 83 years in operation.

Search route from current location
1-8, Dotonburi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Midosuji/Yotsubashi/Kintetsu Lines Namba station(M20/Y15/S16).
Sakaisuji Line/Sennichimae-Line: Nipponbashi Station (K17/S17).
●Other: Kintetsu Line: Kintetsu-Nippombashi Station (A02).
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