Tamatsukuri Inari Shrine


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投稿日:2012/04/23 更新日:

Tamatsukuri Inari Shrine

Originally dedicated to the goddessof food, clothing and shelter,about 2,000 year ago, this shrineis visited by those wishing successand prosperity in business, peace in the home and prosperity for theiroffspring. Tea ceremonies used tobe held here occasionally by thefamous tea ceremony master, RikyuSen, since good water could beobtained nearby.

Search route from current location
2-3-8 Tamatsukuri, Chuo-ku, Osaka City
Transportation 5 min. walk from Morinomiya Sta.
Tamatsukuri Sta. of the JR Osaka Loop Line
Subway Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line
More information
●Visiting and praying available from sunrise to sunset.
●Holiday: No holidays
●dmission Fee Free
●Facilities Parking
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